Monday 18 June 2012

Zero No Tsukaima (Anime)

In a world where magic is normal, and science hasn't been discovered, a school exists to teach every magician to manipulate one or more of the 4 elements, except for one: Louise, called the Zero by her classmates for being the only magician unable to do anything more than blow stuff up. One day, when the students are trying to summon their magic familiars, Louise accidentally summons a human familiar from our world: Saito. Now Saito has to adapt to his new world and people, get along with his bossy mistress and protect her from approaching forces of darkness.
(4 Seasons, 12/13 episodes, Finished)
This is a really good romantic comedy, with a good helping of fantasy thrown in. There is a lot of really funny comedy and a bunch of really enjoyable characters. Sometimes the episodes go off on a tangent (dissolving into random episodes of haremic fan-service) but that's ok because those episodes are still enjoyable and they help to expand the relationships between the various characters. Each season deals with a specific story and theme and those stories connect into the next so to get the full picture of the series you have to watch the whole thing. But since the season's are short thats not too bad. Also the relationship between Saito and Louise is one of my favourites in Anime: its very sweet and warm in some places and spoiled by hilarious 'oops' moments that serve to make the relationship feel deeper (even if it does get a little tedious waiting for the moment when they finally open up to each other). All in all its a pleasant series with a lot to offer to anyone who's a fan of rom-com, fantasy, action and even harem anime.


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