Tenma Tsukamato is an ordinary high school girl with a crush on her classmate Karasuma, who has no idea about her feelings. She has a number of friends each with their own stories going on. Kenji Harima is a (less than) ordinary high school boy with a crush on his classmate Tenma Tsukamato, who has no idea about his feelings. He tries to act like a delinquent but occasional gets along with the rest of the class. Karasuma like turtles and looking out the window.
(Anime: 2.5 seasons, 26 episodes, Finished. Manga: 22 volumes, finished)
A lot of people tend to give up on this anime after the first few episodes, but they really shouldn't because it's a great series. The story is all about the various relationships that go on in this high school class of miss fits, with Harima and Tenma's stories being the central theme. There are always funny antics and hilarious misunderstandings going on throughout the show and even a number of very sweet moments between the romantic characters. The real problem with this series is that the first 4-8 episodes of season 1 are devoted to setting up the relationships between all the characters and so it takes a while to get going (which is why most people drop it by episode 3). But the characters a very enjoyable, and you can pick your favourites as to which you think is the best. Tenma herself is slightly annoying, and spends most of the series acting like an irritating kid. Harima is much more interesting but still gets kind of strange and goes off on bizarre tangents (which is part of the comedy and will make you laugh or scratch your head). But overall this an enjoyable series and a very good romantic comedy, and one could suppose it classes as a slice of life 75% of the time.
By the way for those who are wondering why I said there are '2.5' seasons its because A) there are two OVA episodes that fit extra stories into the mix and are worth a watch, and B) the manga ran on a lot longer with a decent ending (although the english translations stopped at volume 16), but the anime only made the last two episodes of a 3rd season (episode 25 and 26, I don't know why) to cover the end of the story because season 2 didn't end of a proper note.
By the way for those who are wondering why I said there are '2.5' seasons its because A) there are two OVA episodes that fit extra stories into the mix and are worth a watch, and B) the manga ran on a lot longer with a decent ending (although the english translations stopped at volume 16), but the anime only made the last two episodes of a 3rd season (episode 25 and 26, I don't know why) to cover the end of the story because season 2 didn't end of a proper note.
Rating -
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