Four high school girls are close friends in their local town; Natsumi, Saki, Yuka and Rin. They used to spend all day together, but then Saki says that she has to move away. After fights and squabbles the girls decide to spend the rest of summer making enjoyable memories, aided by a magic rock that, when the four make the same wish, uses magic to make that wish come true.
(Anime: 1 Season, 12 episodes, Finished)
Tremendous fun and a hell of a good ride to watch, loveable from the word go. This series has everything, a touchingly sweet story line, gorgeous art work and lots of adventure and highjinks. Probably the one big flaw is that the story often feels like it is suggesting the characters are more than just good friends, and that is a shame because it spoils an otherwise perfect plot. No one in the series ever openly says anything like that of course, but the idea is just subtly planted there to bother people. And sometimes this is emphasised by moments of unnecessary fan service that feels very out of place. But apart from that the characters are thoroughly enjoyable, giving four different character points that touch the hearts of any anime fan. Then there is the magic side of things: at first glance this sounds like a kiddy theme but it really isn't. It is a fun device that ties everything together and wouldn't make the series great with out it. And it creates all kinds of mischief that will have you side split with laughter or smiling warmly with emotion. So if you ignore the unfortunate double entendre, Natsuiro Kiseki, becomes a must watch.
Rating -
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